Uber Scams (7 Common Examples + How to Avoid Them)

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Whiteboard Crypto

Ride-sharing apps such as Uber and Lyft have revolutionized the way we travel, simplifying the process with just a click of a button. Now, navigating through the city is as straightforward as tapping your smartphone screen, providing a seamless and convenient transportation experience.

These apps have not only brought efficiency to the forefront but have also transformed the concept of commuting, making it more accessible and user-friendly. But, with its convenience comes unforeseen scams.

Uber scams range from fake fees and misrepresented drivers to elaborate schemes designed to take advantage of unsuspecting passengers.

1) Faking An App Glitch

If you’re on a ride and the driver suddenly claims their app has gone offline, asking you to pay in cash, you should exercise caution. In such situations, a rider might end up paying both in cash and through the app.

Always stay alert during your trip—if the driver suggests a sudden switch to cash payment, especially on a non-cash ride, don’t fall for it. Politely inform the driver that you’ll only pay through the app, refuse any cash transactions, and if things get uncomfortable, end the ride immediately. After that, report the incident.

A ride from a genuine driver should always be completed using the app’s payment system. If a driver pressures you to pay in cash, it’s a red flag. Your safety and financial well-being matter, so don’t hesitate to take action.

Report any suspicious behavior, such as the driver insisting on cash after claiming an app issue, so the platform can investigate and take appropriate measures.

2) Insisting You’ve Selected Cash

With this scam, a driver insists you’ve chosen cash as your payment method. As you arrive at your destination, the driver claims you selected cash and asks for payment in bills.

You might think it’s an honest mistake and hand over cash, only to later discover you’ve been hit with a cancellation fee because the driver canceled right before reaching your drop-off point.

Opting for cash payment is a deliberate action that you, the rider, must manually choose in the app. Take caution with drivers that assert you’ve selected cash without your knowledge. Don’t hand over any cash unless you intentionally picked that payment method. Trust your instincts and stand your ground.

3) Airport Rides From Non-Uber Drivers

Some riders at airports have shared experiences where non-Uber drivers approach them, claiming to be their assigned ride. These impostors may urge you to cancel your Uber ride and pay them in cash instead.

If you find yourself in such a situation, this is a clear sign that you’re not dealing with an official Uber driver. The best practice is to always prearrange your trips using the Uber app. Confirm the details in the app before getting into any vehicle.

To ensure your safety and avoid potential scams, resist canceling your pre-booked Uber ride and never agree to pay in cash to an unauthorized driver. Stick to the planned arrangement through the app to maintain a secure and traceable record of your journey.

4) Drivers Scamming For Cancellation Fees

When a rider tries to cancel a ride more than two minutes after requesting it, they usually have to grapple with a cancellation fee. Some drivers deliberately avoid heading towards the passenger, aiming to frustrate them into canceling, making it seem like the rider’s fault.  

If you suspect this is happening, don’t let it slide. Open the help tab on your passenger app and shoot a note to Uber. They’re there to help you out.

You could also go to the trip tab on the menu, request a cancellation fee refund, and lay out what went down. Always report a case if it feels like the driver is playing games to pocket a cancellation fee unfairly.

5) Asking You To Pay Tolls

Has your driver ever asked you to pay tolls during your ride? Always know that you’re not on the hook for tolls during a trip. Uber automatically handles toll charges, deducting them from your account and ensuring the driver gets reimbursed.

Some drivers might either intentionally try to scam you for toll money or, in some cases, might not be clued in on how tolls work in the Uber system due to a lack of detailed training.

Remember, when you’re cruising to your destination, there should be no surprise fees or unexpected expenses coming out of your pocket. If your driver is pushing for toll payments in cash, don’t reach for your wallet. Politely decline and stick to the usual process.

6) Bait-And-Switch Scams

So you request a ride, the driver accepts, but then cancels. Suddenly, a different driver arrives in a different car, claiming they’re not the original driver. The catch? They might charge you in cash, sometimes even double the original fee.

Before you hop out of the vehicle, double-check the fee and confirm your destination. If something doesn’t add up—whether it’s the cost or the destination, cancel the ride right away and call for another driver.

Your safety and a fair deal matter, so don’t be afraid to verify details before committing to the ride. Ride-sharing apps are designed to be reliable and secure, but it doesn’t hurt to be a savvy rider.

7) Charging A Fake “Cleaning Fee”

When riding with a lively, big group, you might become a target for a fake “cleaning fee” scam. Some less-than-honest drivers may not hesitate to claim vandalism or messiness if they didn’t enjoy your company.

What seems like a $35 ride could suddenly inflate to $150 with this additional fee. If you sense the driver isn’t thrilled with your group and worry about surprise charges, always be proactive.

Snap pictures of the inside of the vehicle before you exit. This way, you create evidence that can help dispute any unwarranted cleaning fees. By documenting the state of the vehicle, you ensure that you have a leg to stand on if the driver tries to pull a fast one.

How to Identify and Avoid Uber Scams

Verify Driver Information – Before getting into a rideshare vehicle, confirm the driver’s identity by checking the information provided in the app.

Ensure that the driver’s name, photo, and license plate match the details displayed on your screen. Avoid entering a vehicle if any of these details differ, as it could be a potential scam.

Track Your Route – Always follow your ride’s route on the app’s map feature. If the driver deviates significantly from the expected path, inquire about the route or express your concern. Unscrupulous drivers might take advantage of unfamiliar routes to extend the journey, resulting in higher fares.

Use In-App Communication – Communicate with your driver through the app’s messaging system rather than using personal contact information. This ensures that all interactions are recorded within the app, providing a reliable trail in case of disputes or misunderstandings.

Avoid Cash Transactions – Legitimate rideshare services operate on a cashless system. If a driver insists on cash payment, be skeptical. Refuse to pay outside the app, as this could indicate an attempt to scam you. Report any such incidents to the rideshare company for investigation.

Be Wary of Unusual Fees – Stay vigilant for unexpected fees, especially those unrelated to tolls or surge pricing. Scammers might attempt to add fake cleaning fees or other charges after the ride. Review your trip details and question any fees that seem dubious.

Document Your Ride – Take advantage of the technology at your disposal by documenting your ride. Snap pictures of the inside of the vehicle before and after your trip, especially if you’re in a group or if the driver expresses dissatisfaction. These images can serve as evidence in case of disputes over cleanliness or other false claims.


While ride-sharing services like Uber have undeniably transformed the way we navigate our cities, the convenience they offer comes with its share of potential pitfalls.

Understanding the various Uber scams that can occur and being armed with the knowledge of how to identify and avoid them is paramount for any rideshare user.

As technology evolves, so do the tactics of those looking to exploit unsuspecting passengers. Verifying driver information, tracking your route, using in-app communication, avoiding cash transactions, being cautious of unusual fees, and documenting your ride are essential steps in protecting yourself against potential scams.

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