Pay With Crypto

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Whiteboard Crypto

Buy WhiteboardCrypto Club with Crypto

Follow these steps carefully. This process is only for the $297 crypto payment for lifetime membership. Please note that crypto payments are non-refundable, and that partial or monthly payments won’t be accepted. This process can be completed within 24 hours. Currently, I only accept these forms of payment:

  • BTC
  • ETH
  • USDC/USDT on Eth/Poly/Arb/OP/BSC/Avax

1) Email “[email protected]” with this format, but replace the [COIN] with your preferred payment method:

Title: Paying with Crypto!

Body: I want to support your work and pay you with crypto for the lifetime membership to WhiteboardCrypto Club. I’d like to pay with [COIN]. Let me know which address to send $297 to? Thanks!

2) I will email you back with an email like this, except I’ll fill in the address you should send your payment to:

Title: Re: Paying with Crypto!

Body: Hey! You can send $297 of [COIN] to [ADDRESS]. Send me an email when you’ve finished that payment and I’ll share login details. Thanks SO much for supporting our work!

3) With this information, simply make a payment for $297 to the specified address, and reply to let me know you’ve made the payment.

4) I’ll thank you, and share your lifetime login details!

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WhiteboardCrypto is the #1 online resource for crypto education that explains topics of the cryptocurrency world using analogies, stories, and examples so that anyone can easily understand them. Growing to over 870,000 Youtube subscribers, the content has been shared around the world, played in public conferences and universities, and even in Congress.