Buy WhiteboardCrypto Club with Crypto
Follow these steps carefully. This process is only for the $297 crypto payment for lifetime membership. Please note that crypto payments are non-refundable, and that partial or monthly payments won’t be accepted. This process can be completed within 24 hours. Currently, I only accept these forms of payment:
- USDC/USDT on Eth/Poly/Arb/OP/BSC/Avax
1) Email “[email protected]” with this format, but replace the [COIN] with your preferred payment method:
Title: Paying with Crypto!
Body: I want to support your work and pay you with crypto for the lifetime membership to WhiteboardCrypto Club. I’d like to pay with [COIN]. Let me know which address to send $297 to? Thanks!
2) I will email you back with an email like this, except I’ll fill in the address you should send your payment to:
Title: Re: Paying with Crypto!
Body: Hey! You can send $297 of [COIN] to [ADDRESS]. Send me an email when you’ve finished that payment and I’ll share login details. Thanks SO much for supporting our work!
3) With this information, simply make a payment for $297 to the specified address, and reply to let me know you’ve made the payment.
4) I’ll thank you, and share your lifetime login details!