Netflix Scams (9 Examples + How to Avoid Them)

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Netflix’s subscriber base continues to grow steadily. According to third-quarter statistics from 2023, the streaming giant now boasts 247.2 million paid subscribers around the world. This unprecedented growth in user base has put Netflix in the crosshairs of various sophisticated scams.

Netflix scams range from phishing emails and fake apps to tech support schemes.

Scammers send fake emails that appear to be from Netflix, asking users to update their account information. Some scammers may offer “shared” Netflix accounts at a discounted price. Users who fall for this scam may end up with compromised accounts or stolen credit card information.

1) Phishing Emails

Perhaps the most ubiquitous Netflix-related scam out there is phishing – fake emails pretending to be from Netflix’s billing department. These emails typically claim that there’s an issue with your account, such as a charge that didn’t go through or a password that needs to be updated.

They then provide a link to update your payment information or reset your password. The links lead to sophisticated lookalike websites designed to steal your personal information and even your credit card or bank details.

Such phishing attempts have become incredibly difficult to spot, with fraudsters using nearly identical email addresses, logos, and even web addresses. If you input your private data into these false websites, you risk identity theft, fraudulent charges to your accounts, or worse.

Don’t click on any links in emails claiming to be from Netflix. Log into your Netflix account directly by opening your browser and manually typing in

If there truly is an issue, you’ll see a notification at the top. Check your account details there. And if anything still seems amiss, contact Netflix customer service directly through their official channels to verify.

2) Fake Website Deals

Along the same lines, fake Netflix websites offer ridiculously discounted deals, trial periods, or gift cards for the streaming service. They may even pop up in ads while browsing an entirely unrelated website.

The goal is to lure victims with something too good to be true, only to steal payment data and personal information.

Such false websites are often indistinguishable from the real thing. Their SSL certificates, branding, and web layouts are meticulously copied to dupe unsuspecting Netflix subscribers into handing over sensitive data.

Any “deals” entered could allow hackers to compromise everything from email accounts to bank accounts. 

When searching for Netflix subscriptions, discounts, free trials, or gift cards, navigate to directly via your browser. Don’t click questionable links, ads, or deals that seem fake.

Note that Netflix gift cards can only be purchased through authorized retail partners – not random websites. When purchasing subscriptions or gift cards elsewhere, double-check that the retailer is officially partnered with Netflix.

3) Fake Support Calls

Many have received calls claiming to be representatives from “Netflix Technical Support,” alleging an urgent issue with your account that requires immediate attention.

Such Netflix scams start out innocently enough. An unknown caller explains that they’ve detected suspicious activity on your account, or that it’s been compromised in a recent data breach (that does not actually exist). They kindly offer to help you log in to “fix” the issue or reset your password.

But their ultimate goal is gaining remote access to your computer and accounts. Once they have access, they install malware, steal personal data, or search for any saved payment information.

Netflix will never proactively call subscribers without a request being made to customer service first. So never offer any sensitive data or remote computer access to any incoming calls claiming to be Netflix support.

4) Text Scams

Text message scams, also known as SMS phishing or smishing, have become increasingly prevalent, targeting Netflix users through deceptive text messages.

In these scams, users receive text messages claiming to be from Netflix, alerting them to urgent issues with their accounts or billing. The messages often include a sense of urgency, prompting users to click on a link or reply with sensitive information.

These links typically lead to phishing websites designed to harvest login credentials or install malware on the user’s device.

Users should be cautious of unexpected text messages from unknown numbers, especially those urging immediate action. They should also avoid clicking on links or providing personal information through text messages.

Instead, verify the legitimacy of the message by logging into your Netflix account through the official website or contacting Netflix directly through official customer support channels.

5) Job Scams

Job scams targeting Netflix users involve fraudulent job postings or recruitment efforts that exploit individuals seeking employment opportunities with the streaming service.

Scammers may use various channels, including online job boards, social media platforms, or email, to advertise fake job openings at Netflix.

These postings often promise lucrative salaries, flexible working conditions, or opportunities for career advancement to lure unsuspecting job seekers.

In these scams, applicants may be asked to provide personal information, such as their resume, contact details, and sometimes even sensitive information like Social Security numbers or banking details.

On top of that, scammers may request payment for background checks or training materials, claiming these fees are necessary to secure the job. Legitimate employers, including Netflix, do not require applicants to pay fees upfront as a condition of employment.

To avoid falling victim to Netflix job scams, job seekers should be cautious when encountering unsolicited job offers that seem too good to be true. Verify the legitimacy of job postings by checking official Netflix career pages or contacting Netflix’s human resources directly through established channels.

6) Free Login Sharing Sites

With subscription prices going up, it’s tempting to find shared Netflix accounts online to use for free illegally. Hacking forums and various sketchy websites offer databases of Netflix usernames and passwords that have been compromised in data breaches.

These phony sites advertise letting users’ access premium multi-screen Netflix accounts worth hundreds for free by logging in with those shared credentials. However, inputting your information isn’t only illegal but hands your sensitive data directly to cyber criminals.

Such accounts are typically disabled quickly when brute force attacks trigger Netflix’s security protocols. Worse still, shared databases connect usernames, passwords, and emails, allowing hackers to break into connected accounts like email, banking, and more using those compromised credentials.

Never attempt accessing shared accounts found online or use credentials offered in hacking forums or databases. If an account seems too good to be true, it absolutely is.

Stick to legitimately purchasing your own subscription, splitting accounts with only those you trust. And considering choosing unique, complex passwords to avoid credentials being leaked and shared during security breaches.

7) Fake Apps

Scammers often exploit the popularity of Netflix by creating counterfeit mobile applications designed to look convincingly like the official Netflix app. These fraudulent apps may be distributed through unofficial channels or third-party app stores.

Such fake Netflix apps are often malware in disguise, allowing attackers to gain access to your device, accounts, or network once installed.

By masquerading as legitimate Netflix apps, they bypass antivirus scans and sneak malware onto phones, tablets, smart TVs, and more. Even requiring a login still exposes usernames and passwords to cyber thieves.

Only download Netflix apps from official sources – the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, built-in app stores on smart TVs, etc. Search manually for the official “Netflix” app from those marketplaces rather than clicking questionable links.

If an app seems sketchy or requests unnecessary permissions, steer clear. Stick to watching Netflix from supported browsers on PCs and laptops if no legitimate app exists. 

8) Fake Surveys

Bogus surveys refer to deceptive surveys or questionnaires designed to trick users into providing sensitive information. These scams often involve phishing tactics where scammers use the guise of a survey to collect personal details, login credentials, or financial information from unsuspecting individuals.

In these Netflix scams, users may receive emails claiming to be from Netflix, inviting them to participate in a survey for a chance to win a prize or receive a discount.

These emails could contain links to fake survey websites that mimic the appearance of legitimate Netflix pages. Participants are then asked to provide personal information, such as their name, address, phone number, or even login credentials.

Within the survey, users might encounter questions or prompts that direct them to click on links. These links could lead to phishing websites where users are prompted to enter their Netflix account details, credit card information, or other sensitive data under the guise of completing the survey.

To entice users to participate, scammers often promise attractive incentives, such as free Netflix subscriptions, exclusive content access, or discounts.

However, these incentives are a ruse to manipulate individuals into providing valuable personal information. Don’t respond to unsolicited emails or messages claiming to be from Netflix. Verify the legitimacy of such communications from within your account.

Also, before clicking on any links, hover your mouse over them to preview the destination URL. Legitimate Netflix survey links should direct you to official Netflix domains.

9) Fake Documentaries & Movies

With Netflix producing unprecedented amounts of original movies and documentaries each month, it can be challenging to track down a specific title you want to watch.

Cybercriminals leverage that by uploading fake Netflix media to illegal pirate streaming, torrent, and even legitimate sites like YouTube or Vimeo.

They can name the videos after popular Netflix hits preceded by keywords like “leaked documentary,” “banned film,” “full movie,” etc. – even claiming fictitious release years to seem credible.

Once clicked, the videos typically redirect users to phishing pages to steal account credentials or download malware onto devices. Some fake videos even sneak in malicious ads that allow hackers to access devices and networks.

Search for movies directly through Netflix’s own platform rather than Google or other streaming sites. That guarantees you find the legitimate title. If something seems suspiciously named or too outrageous to be real, it likely is.

How to Spot Legitimate Netflix Communications

Netflix scams come in many forms beyond just phishing emails. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognize official communications from Netflix.

Email Notifications

Emails from Netflix will always originate from the “” address. Be suspicious of emails from other domains, even minor variations like

Poor grammar can also indicate a scam. Legitimate Netflix emails only include links redirecting to or related official pages. 

Security Notifications

Netflix has security features that prompt users to create stronger passwords if weak ones are identified. If you forget your password, Netflix offers email and SMS verification for account recovery, with billing details as a backup in some regions.

Netflix may automatically reset your password in the event of a data breach, phishing attack, suspicious login activity, or malware detection to stop unauthorized access. You’ll receive prompts by email or text message if new sign-ins occur from unfamiliar IP addresses.

For personal information requests from non-account holders, Netflix verifies identities before releasing membership or billing details.

Offer Alerts

Invitations to preview upcoming content come from an official Netflix Preview Club. You’ll provide some personal information after clicking the exclusive access link but never payment details.

Netflix Games is a free ad-free service requiring no fees or purchases to play. To avoid getting scammed Netflix recommends redeeming your gift cards only at

Note also that occasional customer survey emails from Netflix use trusted third-party providers, sending from addresses like [email protected]

How Netflix Protects Users from Scams

Netflix makes user security a top priority and will never pressure or endanger subscribers with suspicious communications or demands.

  • Legitimate Netflix emails or texts will not request sensitive personal information like credit card details, bank account numbers, passwords, or similar data.
  • Users will not be asked to make payments through third-party services like PayPal when purchasing subscriptions or content. Payment should only be submitted through secure channels on the Netflix website or official apps. 
  • Netflix also guarantees users a hassle-free, uninterrupted streaming experience. There would never be intrusive pop-ups or tabs opening outside the service’s main interface.
  • While scammers may send messages with exaggerated threats or false claims of expiring offers to prompt hasty reactions, real Netflix communications do not pressure users with such time-sensitive manipulation.
  • Netflix addresses subscribers personally in all messages, rather than sending mass messages with generic salutations like “Dear customer”.
  • And most crucially, Netflix will never send suspicious attachments or links to downloads in emails or messages. Users should remain vigilant against opening any files from unknown sources. 

By outlining communication policies that protect subscribers from coercion, urgency, and other social engineering tactics, Netflix upholds vital security standards across digital channels.

Understanding legitimate practices creates an empowered user base, prepared to identify fraudulent attempts to access sensitive data.

As Netflix continues expanding globally, related phishing attempts and scams are inevitable. But remaining vigilant against suspicious links, emails, callers, and unbelievable deals or threats can keep your data safe.

Never input sensitive information anywhere except directly through or official Netflix apps.

To safeguard against Netflix scams, adopting a proactive and informed approach is paramount. Users can bolster their defenses by using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and remaining skeptical of unsolicited communications.

Verifying the legitimacy of emails, links, and apps, along with regular monitoring of account activity, are crucial steps in maintaining the security of one’s Netflix account.

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