Cash App Scams (5 Examples + How to Avoid Them)

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Whiteboard Crypto

Since its launch in 2013, Cash App has revolutionized peer-to-peer transactions, but with the rise in popularity (its the 3rd most popular peer-to-peer payment app after PayPal and Venmo), comes a parallel surge in Cash App scams.

Cash App scams involve scammers pretending to be employees or official support, asking for additional fees, and offering fake government relief programs.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) admitted that complaints touching on payments through Cash App increased by a whopping 472% year-over-year in 2020. The same report states that by the 3rd quarter of 2021, there were 2,431 complaints against Cash App.

This is much more when compared to other peer-to-peer services such as Venmo (845) and Zelle (191). As similar incidences continue to rise, it is becoming more crucial than ever to arm yourself with knowledge and protective measures.

1) Posing as Employee or Support

Scammers often impersonate Cash App employees or support teams in various ways, such as through emails, phone calls, or fake social media accounts. They use tactics like urgency or threats to manipulate users into sharing sensitive information.

These scammers may claim that there is an issue with your account, such as suspicious activity or pending transactions, in order to create a sense of urgency.

They often employ sophisticated social engineering techniques to make their communications appear legitimate, using official-sounding language and logos to deceive users.

In some cases, they may request users to provide personal information, such as account credentials, Social Security numbers, or credit card details, under the guise of resolving the supposed issue.

They might also ask for payment in unconventional methods, such as gift cards or cryptocurrency, further exploiting unsuspecting users.

2) Payment Claiming Scam

If you receive unexpected payment requests, be cautious, as fraudsters often use payment-claiming scams to trick you into sending money.

They might create a false sense of urgency, claiming you owe a payment or have won a prize. To protect yourself, always verify the legitimacy of such claims with known contacts before making any payments.

Refrain from clicking on any links or downloading attachments in unsolicited messages, as these could be phishing attempts aiming to compromise your personal information.

It’s crucial to independently verify the sender’s identity through established communication channels rather than relying solely on the information provided in the message.

3) Cash Flipping and Clearance Fee Scam

Beware of cash flipping and clearance fee scams, where scammers promise to multiply your money through a process known as “cash flipping.” They might claim that by sending them a certain amount, they can magically increase it and return a more substantial sum. 

On top of that, they may assert that you need to pay a clearance fee before receiving the supposed multiplied amount. You should be skeptical of any unsolicited offers promising quick and substantial returns, especially if they involve sending money upfront.

4) Home/Apartment Rental Deposit Scam

In this scam, fraudsters pose as property owners seeking tenants. They request rental deposits through Cash App, claiming it as a secure and fast transaction method. However, once the payment is made, the scammer disappears, leaving you high and dry.

Often, they’ll use sophisticated tactics, such as creating fake rental listings with attractive prices and photos of properties that don’t actually exist. They may even go to the extent of providing seemingly legitimate lease agreements and references to gain the trust of potential victims.

As a result, unsuspecting renters may be lured into transferring significant sums of money before realizing that they have fallen victim to a well-orchestrated rental scam.

5) Government Relief Payments

During times of economic uncertainty, hoaxers can exploit you by posing as government officials offering fake relief payments or assistance. They request personal information and payments, preying on your vulnerability.

These fraudulent schemes often take advantage of the desperation and fear that accompany economic instability, manipulating individuals into divulging sensitive details.

It is crucial, therefore, to remain vigilant and discerning during times of economic uncertainty. Genuine government agencies or relief organizations will never demand immediate payments or personal information over the phone or through unsolicited emails.

How to Identify Cash App Scams

Recognizing Cash App scams is crucial to safeguard yourself from potential financial losses and identity theft. Here are key indicators to help you identify and avoid Cash App scams:

Unsolicited Requests – Be cautious of unexpected requests for money, especially from unknown individuals. Scammers often initiate contact with unsolicited payment requests, claiming various reasons such as prizes, assistance, or refunds.

    Legitimate entities, including Cash App, will never ask for sensitive information like your Social Security Number, bank account details, or passwords. Be wary of any request for such information, as it may indicate a scam.

    Pressure Tactics – Scammers frequently use pressure tactics, creating a sense of urgency to manipulate victims. They may claim immediate action is required, exploiting the victim’s emotions and preventing them from critically assessing the situation.

    Pressure tactics can also come in the form of offers.Be skeptical of offers that seem too good to be true, such as winning a lottery or receiving unexpected windfalls. Hoaxers use enticing offers to lure victims into sharing personal and financial information.

    Unverified Contacts and Communication – Ensure that communication comes from verified sources. Scammers often impersonate customer support or official entities, using similar logos and names to deceive users. Double-check contact details to confirm legitimacy.

    Avoid clicking on links from unsolicited messages or emails. Check URLs carefully, as scammers create fake websites that mimic legitimate services to steal login credentials or deliver malware.

    Scam messages often contain spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing. Legitimate communication from reputable services is typically well written and professional.

    Verify the consistency of the information provided. Scammers may provide conflicting details or change their story during communication. Legitimate entities maintain consistency in their messages and information.

    How to Avoid Cash App Scams

    To protect yourself from common scams, including those involving Cash App, I recommend you adopt the following best practices:

    Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – Strengthen the security of your Cash App account by enabling two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection requiring a verification code in addition to your password for account access.

    Regularly monitor your account activity and be vigilant against phishing attempts. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or sharing sensitive information, such as your account credentials, with anyone.

    Stay informed about the latest security features and updates from Cash App, and consider using strong, unique passwords that are not easily guessable.

    Verify Identities – Before responding to unsolicited messages or requests for money, independently verify the identity of the person or organization through official channels. Use contact information obtained from reliable sources, not the message itself.

    Treat unsolicited messages, especially those involving requests for money, with skepticism. Scammers often use these messages to initiate fraudulent schemes. On top of that, avoid sharing sensitive information, such as Social Security Numbers, passwords, or banking details, with anyone online. Legitimate entities, including Cash App, will not ask for such information through unsolicited messages.

    Before confirming any transaction, double-check the details, including the recipient’s information and the amount. Confirm with the other party independently if necessary to ensure the legitimacy of the transaction.

    Use Official Channels for Support – Fraudulent attempts, often disguised as helpful assistance, may lead to potential security risks, including the compromise of your personal information and financial details.

    Official support channels, on the other hand, are equipped with security measures to protect your data and are staffed by trained professionals who can address your concerns efficiently.

    If you need assistance with your Cash App account, use official channels such as the apps help center or customer support (there’s a list of the official links and numbers at the end of this post).


    The increasing sophistication of cyber threats underscores the importance of staying informed and proactive to avoid becoming a victim of Cash App scams.

    By implementing the protective measures I have outlined in this guide, you’ll empower yourself against potential risks, preserving the convenience and efficiency that Cash App offers.

    Safeguard your transactions, protect your assets, and navigate the digital landscape with confidence. Staying one step ahead is the best defense against evolving threats in the ever-changing world of digital finance


    1) What are Cash App scams, and how do they work?

    Cash App scams involve deceptive tactics aimed at exploiting users of the popular peer-to-peer payment platform. Scammers often employ various schemes to trick individuals into providing sensitive information or making unauthorized transactions.

    These schemes can take different forms, such as fake customer support interactions, fraudulent investment opportunities, or misleading promotions. In some cases, scammers may create convincing phishing websites or send deceptive messages posing as legitimate entities affiliated with Cash App. 

    You should remain vigilant and exercise caution when receiving unsolicited requests for personal or financial information, and always verify the legitimacy of any communication or transaction before taking any action.

    To enhance security, it’s crucial for Cash App users to enable two-factor authentication, regularly update their account settings, and stay informed about the latest scams to protect themselves from falling victim to these deceptive practices.

    2) How can I recognize a Cash App scam?

    Look out for red flags such as unsolicited requests for personal information, unexpected fund requests, or messages claiming urgency. Fraudsters might also use fake websites or profiles resembling official Cash App channels.

    On top of that, be cautious of any communication that pressures you to share your Cash App login credentials, PIN, or other sensitive details. Legitimate entities, including Cash App, will never ask for such information through unsolicited messages.

    Verify the authenticity of any requests by directly contacting Cash App’s official customer support using the contact information provided on their official website.

    3) How do I track a Cash App scammer?

    Unfortunately, tracking down scammers on Cash App can be challenging due to the nature of digital transactions and the potential use of fake or untraceable information.

    However, I’d advise you to take these steps:

    1. Contact Cash App Support immediately to report the scam
    2. Report the incident to your local law enforcement agency
    3. Take note of any information you have about the scammer, such as their username, transaction details, and any communication you’ve had with them
    4. Always update yourself about common scams on Cash App to better recognize and avoid them in the future

    4) Will Cash App refund money if scammed?

    Cash App does have a refund policy, but it’s crucial to understand the terms and conditions. The company may offer refunds in cases of unauthorized transactions or if you fall victim to a scam.

    However, it’s essential to report the incident promptly and provide detailed information to Cash App support.

    To increase your chances of a successful refund, make sure to contact Cash App support as soon as you notice any suspicious activity.

    Provide them with all relevant details, such as the date and time of the transaction, the name or handle of the recipient, and any additional information that may help in their investigation.

    5) Is Cash App safe to receive money?

    Yes, Cash App is safe to receive money! It is designed with security features to protect users, but it’s important to follow best practices that I have aforementioned to ensure the safety of your transactions.

    Cash App employs encryption to safeguard your financial information and uses industry-standard security protocols to prevent unauthorized access. It also offers features like the option to enable a PIN or fingerprint authentication for added account protection.

    However, like any financial platform, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and be cautious of potential scams or phishing attempts. Avoid sharing sensitive information, such as your Cash App PIN or login credentials, with anyone. Be wary of unsolicited requests for money and double-check the identity of the sender before confirming any transactions.


    I’d recommend you only initiate contact with Cash App through their official channels:

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